It is difficult to make policy and programmatic decisions without appropriate evidence about the topic in question. We have a team of experienced and curious multidisciplinary researchers and professionals who design and implement both research and evaluations. We also summarize existing evidence for academic, implementation and policy purposes. Examples of work under this activity include:
Green: Current project
White: Completed project
MCMAP aims to test different pricing, distribution and sales models for menstrual cups by integrating menstrual cup sales into existing partner programming. The project has tested six different models in collaboration with Marie Stopes Uganda, Welthungerhilfe and private pharmacies. Partners have been provided with menstrual cup safe uses and care and sales training as well as ICT and marketing materials. The project has been supported by 1605 donated Ruby Cups and marketing support for Sajeki.
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine LSHTM carried out the Menstrual Hygiene and Safe Male Circumcision Promotion in Ugandan Schools (MENISCUS): Feasibility and preparatory study for a cluster randomized trial in 2016. WoMena provided training and technical support on menstrual cups as a part of this project. Starting in April 2017, WoMena became a key implementing partner on the MENISCUs-2 project in Entebbe.
The project aims to access the feasibility of introducing menstrual cups and reusable pads as menstrual health innovations within humanitarian settings. 2000 women within Bidibidi Refugee Settlement and surrounding host villages will be provided with menstrual cups and/or reusable pads to use for up to 8 months.