Menstrual Cup Market Accessibility Project (MCMAP)

Menstrual Cup Market Accessibility Project (MCMAP)


MCMAP aims to test different pricing, distribution and sales models for menstrual cups by integrating menstrual cup sales into existing partner programming. The project has tested six different models in collaboration with Marie Stopes Uganda, Welthungerhilfe and private pharmacies. Partners have been provided with menstrual cup safe uses and care and sales training as well as ICT and marketing materials. The project has been supported by 1605 donated Ruby Cups and marketing support for Sajeki.


  • Integrate innovative menstrual cup pricing, distribution and payment models into delivery.
  • Evaluate different models: effectiveness and feasibility of implementation, identify recommendations for future pricing, distribution & payment models and scale up mechanisms for the most effective models.
  • Promote a policy environment conducive to effective supply and distribution of menstrual cups


Reproductive Health Supplies Coalition/RHSC, Marie Stopes Uganda Welthungerhilfe, Private Pharmacies


November 2017 – October 2018

Intervention sites:
