Global Research Update #7
Mason L et al. (2017) in a qualitative study in three states in India ‘We do not know’: Exploring boys perceptions of menstruation aims at evaluating the potential of boys in supporting their sisters. The results show that despite the fact that understanding the concept of menstruation was found to be challenging for boys due to secrecy around menstruation as well as inaccessibility to correct information, they seemed eager to gain knowledge about menstruation and expressed their support for the need for good MHM. The study concludes that this educational program should be included as the basic component of comprehensive sexuality and life skills education
Baker KK et al. (2017) in a cross-sectional study, population-based surveillance survey, From menarche to menopause: A population based assessment of water, sanitation, and hygiene risk factors for reproductive tract infection symptoms over life stages in rural girls and women in Odisha, India finds that accessibility to WASH facilities as well as hygiene practices were correlated with self-reported Reproductive Tract Infection (RTI) symptoms in rural Indian girls and women from different reproductive life stages. This study highlights the need for interventions to solve WASH needs of women across all reproductive life stages, representing from menarche to menopause.
Khan et al. (2017) in a mixed-methods field-test study in Belize optimizing household survey methods to monitor the Sustainable Development Goals targets 6.1 and 6.2 on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene seeks to determine whether Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys (MICS) methods can be applied to the factors (including MHM) that impact upon the monitoring targets 6.1 and 6.2 of the SDGs. As a component of this study, women age 15-49 in Stann Creek district were interviewed in order to understand their question comprehension and response processes. Regarding MHM, results indicate that inquiring about Menstrual Hygiene is acceptable to interviewees, however, some clarification and probing were needed.
Ewerling F et al. (2017) apply demographic and health survey data from 34 African countries targeting women aged 15-49 years and compare SDG indicators with the Gender Development Index (GDI): The SWPER index for women’s empowerment in Africa: Development and validation of an index based on survey data . On the basis of these, they suggest a Survey-based Women’s empowerment (SWPER) index which has three aspects of empowerment, namely attitude to violence, social independence, and decision making. All these three dimensions closely correlate with the GDI seeing that social independence was connected to coverage of maternal and child interventions; attitude to violence and decision making were associated with the use of modern contraception. Moreover, this index makes comparison possible within- countries and between-countries, as well as time trend analysis.
Rafique N et al. (2017) in a cross-sectional study in Saudi Arabia to determine prevalence of menstrual problems and their association with psychological stress in Saudi young female students studying health sciences indicate that 91% of students experienced some kind of menstrual problem. This situation was found to be significantly associated with High Perceived Stress (HPS) particularly amenorrhea, dysmenorrheal, and premenstrual syndrome.