Visit to Imvepi Settlement in Uganda
Last November we visited the Arua/Imvepi refugee settlement to train CARE staff who are working on a gender-based violence (GBV) prevention program which incorporates also a menstrual health component. The other partners supporting the work of CARE in the settlement include World Vision, Oxfam, IRC and C-Ten. WoMena’s training was focused on general menstrual health and how to use the menstrual cup.
World Vision staff discussing WoMena’s training
Male involvement
In order to encourage male involvement, the male staff where also invited to attend the training. They were great participants and at the end they told us that they had learned a lot during the training.
Women refugees
Women refugee leaders were also included and we had a great and interactive training. All of the women we are training this year will be trainers themselves next year training another 80 refugee women!