Media Café Launch and Training of Trainers
Media Café Launch
30th. October 2020 the Bfree media Café was launched as a platform to reach more than 100,000 people on social media platforms, Local radio and Television. During the launch, WoMena Uganda shared and reflected on the impact of acceptability of reusable menstrual management methods on the lives of girls and Women during the COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda. The event covered updates as a way to debrief and look at the experiences made by the Bfree cup in Adjumani District. Throughout the first week of November 2020, Local Radio and Televisions like Bukedde TV, Radio Simba, Sanyu Radio, Radio CBS and New vision news papers aired this event.
Menstrual Health Training of Trainers
A Five (5)-day training of trainers was conducted in 24th-26th. November 2020 with 29 participants the training included MHM, MC safe use and care, in addition to financial literacy. 25 participants had been invited however 29 turned up for the training of which 21 were female and 8 male.
The purpose of the training was to equip participants with knowledge and skills to communicate menstrual health information, menstrual cup use and care and financial literacy to enable them generate income from selling Bfree menstrual cups in their community. Prior to conducting the training a criterion was put in place to support 70% women and 30% men while ensuring relevant participation.
The training team distributed 29 tins of Bfree menstrual cups, each containing two sizes specifically the medium and small size. In total, the organization has so far distributed 98 menstrual cups, out of which 49 are for personal use and 49 are for demonstration purposes.
Upon expression of interest to be part of the sales team, each participant will be given materials which include; T-Shirts, flipcharts, bicycle, identity card, back park and free menstrual cups as the startup capital for them to promote and sell the cup at Thirty thousand (30,000) Uganda shillings. In addition, the trained Champions will purchase MCs at UGX 15,000 from the Bfree team or any coordinator around the area and make a profit of 15,000 UGX.
The MC champions can sell MCs at a suggested maximum price of UGX 30,000 to women and girls in their communities. It’s however upon them to accept installments through the savings groups. The installments mechanism will be used for the period of four (4) weeks. The champions will locally conduct demand creation activities and information sessions to increase demand among their selected target groups