Ask Without Shame menstrual/reproductive health and menstrual cup app/hotline in Mbigi, Uganda

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Ask Without Shame menstrual/reproductive health and menstrual cup app/hotline in Mbigi, Uganda

The main objectives of the project:

1. Spread information about menstrual health, menstrual hygiene management and menstrual cups to the general population and WoMena menstrual cup beneficiaries

2. Evaluate whether menstrual cups are acceptable to young women from Mpigi

3. Deepen our understanding of the questions and issues arising from the community about menstruation and reproductive health

Target groups:

Primary: Young ladies receiving the MCs as well as general population/WoMena beneficiaries using the app for MC user information

Secondary: Male scholars at SINA and related community members

Support: SINA medical team and local health care provider

General description:

“Ask Without Shame” created by a scholar at the NGO “Social Innovation Academy/SINA” provides a platform, running on USSD and android for teens and young adults to get accurate and potentially life saving information about sex education in an anonymous and judgement free environment. The user can ask questions for free via the app’s FAQs, whatsapp, sms and calls to SINA’s medical staff.

WoMena is partnering with SINA in providing menstrual health and menstrual cup user information through Ask Without Shame to allow menstrual cup users an additional way to ask their questions. In addition, SINA female scholars in Mpigi will receive menstrual cups and menstrual/reproductive health education for the full team.

At monthly intervention monitoring meetings SINA will provide feedback to WoMena on menstrual cup use as well as the questions and concerns coming from the community regarding menstruation and reproductive health to improve our training component and inspire us for our new reproductive health solution focus in 2018.

Collaboration partners:

The Social Innovation Academy